Kategorie: Promovierende

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Interdisciplinarity in Action: Methods for fruitful Teamwork

Content: “Digitalization can only be best investigated with an interdisciplinary approach” says a recurrent statement that can be adopted for a number of complex research themes. But how can collaboration across disciplinary…

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Data visualisation: How to design scientific figures

Content: What is the first thing we scientists look at in scientific articles or on posters? The figures! But they are not only meant to be eye-catching. They also convey information with a density that words can never attain.

Netzwerktreffen des bidt Graduate Centers

Anlässlich der Aufnahme der zweiten Promovierenden-Kohorte in das Graduate Center veranstaltet das bidt ein Netzwerktreffen.

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Können Maschinen denken?

Im Seminar studieren wir zwei klassische Texte der Philosophie der künstlichen Intelligenz: Alan Turings Aufsatz „Computing Machinery and Intelligence“ (deutsch: Können Maschinen denken?), in dem er den Test schildert,…

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Open Science

Kick-start your journey into Open Science practices in this hands-on workshop. You will be introduced to the principles of Open Science and research software engineering, reinforcing the norms of good scientific practice. The workshop…

DigiMeet 2023 | Diversity in digital transformation

The bidt, CAIS, HBI and Weizenbaum Institute invite doctoral researchers to present their work at the newly established joint Digitalisation Research and Network Meeting – DigiMeet.

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Workshop: „Was ist Software?“

Was ist eigentlich Software, wie wird sie hergestellt und was hat sie mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und Maschinellem Lernen zu tun? Im Workshop werden zentrale Begriffe und Vorgänge erklärt.

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Demystifying buzzwords and learning how to use them

What are design thinking, scrum, design sprints, lean startup and agile project management? Which aspects of them can I use in my academic work? How can I adopt them productively and purposefully for my individual research…

Summer School: SICSS-Munich

The LMU Munich will host a partner site for the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science. The Summer Institute will bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty interested in computational…

bidt Graduate Center für Promovierende

Web Scraping and API-based Data Collection

Gathering data is the first step in answering questions in empirical research. If this data is owned by platforms or companies, we as researchers face a crucial issue: How can we access this data in order to analyze it? Many…