QPD-Module 4: Agile Research
“Digitalization can only be best investigated with an interdisciplinary approach” says a recurrent statement that can be adopted for a number of complex research themes. But how can collaboration across disciplinary boundaries succeed?
To address this problem, the workshop offers concrete small group exercises (in breakout-rooms) that you can integrate into your research routine, as well as work out principles of productive collaboration together. The workshop in online.
There are no requirements for this course. The workshop is open to those who are interested, whether they lead or co-work in an interdisciplinary project.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- The goal of the workshop is to offer possible perspectives and practical advice in devising the structure of an interdisciplinary team and its work, and to practice a variety of possible methods that help teambuilding and team work.
Participation: The workshop is an offer for members of the bidt Graduate Center for Doctoral Researchers and for Postdocs only.
Silvio Suckow has a strong epistemological interest in the development of interdisciplinary research settings. To this end, he has spent four years studying the WI as part of his (almost finished) dissertation. Furthermore, he has developed an application-oriented online course for interdisciplinary competences (idc.wzb.eu) and is trying out different knowledge communication formats.
Sara Saba, PhD, serves currently as ‘officer for interdisciplinary formats’ at the WI. Originally a Classicist, she has worked for several years in interdisciplinary research groups at the Fraunhofer progressively moving from research to project management in science and especially in interdisciplinary research contexts.