| Veranstaltungen | Kooperation | DIGHUM lectures: Why does AI need to be Trustworthy and the axis of power between Big Tech and society
27. Juni 2023
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DIGHUM lectures: Why does AI need to be Trustworthy and the axis of power between Big Tech and society

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

Speaker: Kay Firth-Butterfield (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
Moderator: tba

AI is often compared to the Printing Press but is that a good analogy? Did the printing press democratise access to knowledge or was it the invention of cheap paper? Do we actually yet have a democratisation of knowledge some 500 years later and is the current rhetoric that Generative AI democratises access to AI true now or likely to be in the future? Who are the winners and losers of the latest generation of AI tools; the few Big tech companies which can create it (80% of the world does not have the compute power to create LLMs) or the emerging world economies. How can we create Responsible Generative AI and whose obligation is it to do so, the tech companies as Eric Schmidt of Google argues or governments, which he says dont understand the product and therefore cannot do so. In what other industry would government accept such logic?

About the Series

A roughly bi-weekly seminar offers presentations and panels from worldwide thought leaders. It is typically held on Tuesday afternoons at 17:00 CET.

The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

Digital Humanism deals with the complex relationship between man and machine. It acknowledges the potential of Informatics and IT. At the same time, it points to related apparent threats such as privacy violations, ethical concerns with AI, automation, and loss of jobs, and the ongoing monopolization on the Web.

For this reason, a new initiative — DIGHUM lectures — started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism.

We will have one or more speakers on a specific topic followed by a discussion, or panel discussions, depending on topic and speakers. The exact dates will be announced at least two weeks before.