Kategorie: Kolloquium
DIGHUM lectures: Autonomous Weapon Systems – Future Paths for Regulation
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Generative AI Degrades Online Communities
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Theorizing Regulatory Data Infrastructure
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Civic Virtue and Digital Technology
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: AI Governance: An Abundance of Norms
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Educating future computer professionals to ethical and social impacts of digital technologies
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Algorithmic Institutionalism
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: America’s Underground Empire and the Economic Security State
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Can we have pro-human AI?
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.
DIGHUM lectures: Please Identify Yourself! What to expect of Europe’s ubiquitous digital identification infrastructure
The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.