Agile research organisations: oxymoron or reality?
Agile principles are a response to the evolving business landscape and a method for improving organisational performance. Implementing Agility in the research process and research organisations can be challenging. In this blog…
Coding Public Value: Gemeinwohlorientierte Software für öffentlich-rechtliche Medienplattformen
Wie lässt sich Software entwickeln, die sich auch auf Gemeinwohl, Nutzerinteressen und medienrechtliche Regulierung bezieht? Das Projekt entwickelte Ansätze und Methoden der Softwareentwicklung sowie regulative Vorschläge.
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Technical and Legal Hurdles in GDPR Compliance of Software Systems
Companies developing software systems need to assure compliance with personal data protection norms. This blog post elaborates on the legal and technological aspects of software system compliance, and specifically focuses on the cornerstone…
Interdisciplinary challenges on the way to public value-oriented software engineering
Nowadays, the implementation of values in different types of software-intensive systems – from social media to AI – continues to be topical in many countries around the world. More and more legal frameworks are starting…