Kategorie: Kolloquium

DIGHUM lectures: Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Predictive Privacy, or the Risk of Secondary Use of Trained ML Models

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Why does AI need to be Trustworthy and the axis of power between Big Tech and society

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: History, Disrupted: How Social Media and the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Software can do Wrong: On Ethics in Agile Software Engineering

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT and a possible new online world

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: On Chat-GPT

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Seize the Means of Computation

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

DIGHUM lectures: Abstracted power and responsibility

The initiative DIGHUM lectures started with regular online events to discuss the different aspects of Digital Humanism. The bidt and the TU Wien are cooperation partners for DIGHUM lecture series.

IT-Sicherheitsforschung in der Zwickmühle: offensiv oder offen – oder beides?

In unserem monatlichen Kolloquium sprechen interne und externe Expertinnen und Experten über aktuelle Forschungsthemen, politische Diskussionen oder gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen zum Thema „Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft“.